The CTA Achievement Ride Series


The CTA conducts a series of ‘Achievement Rides’ (ARs) each year. These rides provide you with a graded set of challenges. Each ride must be completed within the set time limit, but is otherwise non-competitive. Each ride is supported by a volunteer and the series is coordinated by the Achievement Rides Coordinator.


The series is designed to help cyclists train for fully loaded pannier touring. It is presumed that, if a rider can complete an achievement ride of x km carrying little or no gear, they would be able to ride half that distance fully loaded. The longest ride in the series is 300 km, on the basis that 150 km per day is a likely maximum travelling fully loaded.

Ride series

There are four levels to which achievement ride participants can aspire. Each level comprises a combination of set rides undertaken over the year. These are summarised in the following table.

Series Rides
Merit 50 and 100 km, plus 5000 in 4 or 5 Dams
Achiever 50 and 100 km, and 5000 in 4 or 5 Dams, plus any one of:
Century Challenge or 200 km or 300 km or
10,000 in 8
Challenge 50, 100, Century Challenge and 200 km, and 10,000 in 8
Super Achiever 50, 100, 200, and 300 km and 10,000 in 8

Awards are made for successfully completing any of the stipulated ride combinations. A member can only nominate for one award per year. A longer ride can be substituted for a shorter ride in the category, provided the longer ride is of the same kind (e.g. in the hills).

For the Achiever category, back-to-back 100 km rides (200 km in two consecutive days) can only be used to count towards either the 200-in-two or one 100 km ride, but not both. That is, no double dipping is allowed.

See the participants and awards for 2022 (and 2021 and 2020).

Ride routes and time limits

The links below provide details on the individual rides (the 100km also contains the extra route for 200 km in two consecutive days). Although non-competitive, time limits are set for each ride, based on an average speed of approximately 15 km/hr.

Ride Time limit
50 km 3 hr 20 min
100 km 6 hr 40 min
Century Challenge
(100 miles/160 km)
10 hr 40 min
200 km 13 hr 30 min
300 km 20 hr
5 Dams 6 hr
5,000 in 4
(5,000 feet of hills)
4 hr
10,000 in 8
(10,000 feet of hills)
8 hr

See Achievement Ride Documents for a full list of documents for the AR series.

Qualifying to start the Century Challenge, and 200 and 300 km achievement rides

The length, difficulty and time required to complete the Century Challenge, 200 km and 300 km rides means that prerequisite criteria must be met to be eligible for these rides, as detailed in the next table.

Century Challenge 100 km same year
200 km Century Challenge in same year; or
Challenge Series previous year
300 km Century Challenge or 200 km same year; or Super Achiever Series previous year

Using brevets

If you cannot attend an achievement ride on the given day, it can be completed by brevet. This means taking a brevet card with route description (provided by the AR coordinator), and having the card signed at recognised waypoints along the route. The AR coordinator must be contacted in advance of attempting a ride by brevet. Note: When printing the brevet card set your printer to Duplex Short Edge (flip).

Completed cards must be returned to the Achievement Rides Coordinator, preferably within 2 weeks of attempting the ride, and no later than the end of the current calendar year.

Achievement Rides support

Vehicle support will no longer be provided for Achievement Rides. Cyclists must ensure they bring along sufficient food and water. All longer achievement rides pass through towns where supplies may be replenished.

Information and dates

Questions about achievement rides, or offers to support achievement rides, can be directed to the Achievement Rides Coordinator –

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